Sunday, March 25, 2018

Update! Dollar garden/Cheap gardening

I feel like this snow here in PA just keeps coming. First day of spring and we had a big snow storm! With that said let me tell you it did NOT stop these little plants from growing and growing. I recently had to replant some of them including the tomato, sun flower, and pea plant. As of today only one pot is still empty with no sprouts and that is the watermelon. :/ 
I do realize I need to trim up the tomato plants more as so many sprouts grew but I am really trying to wait a little longer, but so far so good. I am still surprised by these little dollar plants and excited to see how big each grows. 
Below is a hyacinth plant I left in my garden from last year and is growing back. There is actually 3 growing all together right behind my lavender plant.(but that is not where I planted them last year)

Thursday, February 22, 2018

The start of a dollar garden

I am sure I'm not alone in this but I can not wait to start gardening again! The weather here in PA has been so cold, but luckily we got a few nice days. So I took it as time to start some gardening. :)
Since it is not past last frost yet  I decided on starting the dollar garden that  I could easily move inside during bad weather. Why is it a dollar garden? Well that is because everything shown here was only $1!! lol yes one dollar each. (Bought at both Target and the Dollar Tree.) Here is a quick list of what I picked up~
1 Sweet basil
1 Tomato
1 Sunflower
1 Coneflower
1 Sugar snap pea
1 Mini rose
1 Watermelon
& lastly
2 Strawberry kits

They all came with their own soil disk and were pretty easy to set up. Almost all came with an overwhelming amount of seeds, but  I guess they do that so you have a higher chance of something growing. note~ I did not add any compost or anything to these, only what was given in each kit. 
So here is to the next growing season, I am excited and I hope everyone else is too! 
See you all soon!
If you would like to see the video updates of this years garden remember to follow me @ 
Thank you!~